Darlinghurst Boutique Flowers


Who is Mark the Florist?

Like many small businesses in Sydney, Mark the Florist started because of genuine passion and creativity - passion that could not be delayed further, and strong creativity that needed an output! Mark, who is a florist with some 29 years of experience under his belt (or apron) has always surrounded himself with flowers - from his first venture at 19 years old opening Ballarat’s most sought after florist to his last job overseeing the operations and designs for a large online flower retail company, and you would always find him in the studio or the florists’s workshop.

The idea was simple: become Darlinghurst’s neighbourhood florist and provide beautiful and creative arrangements, the freshest flowers in the market, the most cared for plants, and all with reasonable prices. Afterall, Mark views flowers as a necessity, and necessities should never break the budget.

Mark the Florist 2025 | powered by flowerstoreInABox™